Copyright © 2023 Pallas Olive All rights reserved. Created by Hit Craze
Pallas Premium is a high-quality extra virgin olive oil obtained by cold pressing (24 degrees) olives carefully selected from the early harvest of young Arbequina trees, which we grow in our own garden near the Kıranseyh village of Köprübaşı district of Manisa. 1 liter of Pallas Premium olive oil weighs an average of 7 kg. Obtained by squeezing early harvested olives. Pallas Premium olive oil has a low acidity, a high polyphenol content, and a very strong fruitiness and aroma. Ideal for salad dressings, dipping, sprinkling and marinating.
Yapılan Analizler (Analysis) | Analiz Sonucu (Results) |
Yağ Asidi Metil Esterleri (FAME) / Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs)(mg/kg) | 18,46 |
UV Işığında Özgül Absorbans/Absobency in UV | |
K 232 | 1,34 |
K 270 | 0,07 |
DK | 0,00 |
Mumsu Maddeler / Wax (C42+C44+C46)(mg/kg) | 25,37 |
Yağ Asidi Etil Esterleri (FAEE) / Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters (FAEEs) (mg/kg) | 5,44 |
Peroksit Sayısı/Peroxide Number (meqO/kg) | 1.78 |
Serbest Yağ Asitleri (Oleik Asit)/ | 0,10 |
Free Fatty Acids (Oleic Acid)(% m/m) |
Enerji ve Besin Değerleri Energy and Nutrition Value | (100 gr) |
Kalori/Calories | 900 kcal/370kj |
Yağ/Fat | 100 gr |
Doymuş/Saturated | 18 gr |
Tekli Doymamış/Monounstaurated | 70 gr |
Çoklu Doymamış/Polyunsturated | 12 gr |
Trans/Trans | 0 gr |
Kolesterol/Cholestrol | 0 mg |
Karbonhidrat/Carbohydrates | 0 mg |
Protein/Protein | 0 gr |
Şeker/Sugars | 0 gr |
Sodyum/Sodium | 0 gr |